The Plan

1. Buy $500 car.... Check
2. Enter BABE Rally ( Check
3. Decide to do event for Methodist Temple Children's Center's toddler Playground (You can make a pledge at ... Check
4. Start promoting the event/gathering pledges... Check
5. Start introducing car and transportation to the students and make car run... Check
6. Have a send off June 3 at 3:00 at the school... Check
7. Participate in the BABE Rally and Blog/Facebook our Journey... Check
8. Announce Silent Auction winner of the car (Pending its return) June 13th 5:00 central...Check


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Prepping for the Send-off

Friday (Tomorrow) at 3:00 the children will be seeing us off.  They have been preparing for our journey in a variety of ways and have completed an array of projects to prepare.  I have posted many of their paintings and other car related creations on Facebook previously, so I won't repost them here.  I did think that you might like to see some of the newest things that they have created.

Here is a key collage that the Bluebird boys made.  

We were adventurous and allowed the children to use the glue guns.  Thanks to Teacher Tom for giving me the courage to try this:) 

After the children created the key collage, some of the other children used it to create key rubbings.     

This is one of the finished key rubbings.

We ended up letting the children use the silk screen that we had created for the T-shirts to create flags for the send-off.  


The kids did a great job! They chose their own colors, squirted them on, squeegeeing the ink around, and then revealing the finished projects.  While the prints were drying the children went on walks to see if they could find sticks to use for the flag poles.  Boy did the kids have a good time!!!

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