The Plan

1. Buy $500 car.... Check
2. Enter BABE Rally ( Check
3. Decide to do event for Methodist Temple Children's Center's toddler Playground (You can make a pledge at ... Check
4. Start promoting the event/gathering pledges... Check
5. Start introducing car and transportation to the students and make car run... Check
6. Have a send off June 3 at 3:00 at the school... Check
7. Participate in the BABE Rally and Blog/Facebook our Journey... Check
8. Announce Silent Auction winner of the car (Pending its return) June 13th 5:00 central...Check


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 3- Rock Tumbler Express

We advertised on the front of the Misfit Toys cars, so people could read it in their mirror.  Being a teacher really expands my talents at these things:)  

 Today's challenge?  To carry a raw egg around in the car today on some of the bumpiest, steepest, and windiest roads in the US.  Then use the items in the bag provided to create a vessel for an egg drop.
 Because we were going out in the middle of nowhere, we buddied up with the Honey Wagon.

This is Jon Brown HIGHWAY.  Note the gravel...

 We checked the maps a few times along the way.  

From time to time, the temp got a little high and since the car sounded like we would surely die today, we tended to stop more and look at the car with interest.  All seemed not too bad, so we continued on.  

Here we are at Deal's Gap/ The Tail of the Dragon.  143 turns in 11 miles.  It was AWESOME!!! (Well except when we got stuck behind a slow motorcycle.) 

 We started the day with a horrid rattle in the drum break.  At the end of the day this is what Chris pulled out of each side.

The egg drop was very successful.  We had a hard time breaking the eggs.  There were a large variety of designs and all were very sturdy.  

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