The Plan

1. Buy $500 car.... Check
2. Enter BABE Rally ( Check
3. Decide to do event for Methodist Temple Children's Center's toddler Playground (You can make a pledge at ... Check
4. Start promoting the event/gathering pledges... Check
5. Start introducing car and transportation to the students and make car run... Check
6. Have a send off June 3 at 3:00 at the school... Check
7. Participate in the BABE Rally and Blog/Facebook our Journey... Check
8. Announce Silent Auction winner of the car (Pending its return) June 13th 5:00 central...Check


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Transforming the Lobby

The children of MTCC have been participating in a variety of activities related to cars and other modes of transportation to gear up for the send off on June 3rd at 3:00.  Here are the displays from the lobby for those of you who aren't regular visitors of the school.  

The plan is that we will leave Evansville on June 4 ugly early and make our way to Hershey, PA.  We/ I want to visit the Hershey Factory, so hopefully we'll get there early enough to enjoy that.  We will make the remainder of the trip to NYC on the 5th.  We will meet up with the rest of the BABE Rally participants there.  We will spend a week following the BABE Rally's directions to the Big Easy.  Where we will take it easy and possibly meet up with one of my good friends from middle school.  (We're still working out the details.) We will return home to E-ville just in time to start a refreshing week of work on June 13th and to finish the silent action on for the car (  

We are marking down the days until the pledges are due and we take off!! 

We just don't want anyone who enters the building to be unaware of our plans:) 

 This is a sculpture that the Redbirds made using the cars they colored to help in determining the color scheme for the car.  

The kids can guess the number of keys in the jar to win a car cap.  I've been told that I should change the wording to hat as none of the children will know what a cap is, but I'd rather expand their horizons

Here is a mobile that was made from the cars the kids designed.  

One of the classes even created a class book.  The teachers took pictures of each of the children driving the cars in the Celebration Center.  They then used the pictures of the children in the cars and pictures of places the children may see around town to make a book the children can enjoy.  This not only builds excitement about the rally, but more importantly about literacy.  

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