The Plan

1. Buy $500 car.... Check
2. Enter BABE Rally ( Check
3. Decide to do event for Methodist Temple Children's Center's toddler Playground (You can make a pledge at ... Check
4. Start promoting the event/gathering pledges... Check
5. Start introducing car and transportation to the students and make car run... Check
6. Have a send off June 3 at 3:00 at the school... Check
7. Participate in the BABE Rally and Blog/Facebook our Journey... Check
8. Announce Silent Auction winner of the car (Pending its return) June 13th 5:00 central...Check


Thursday, May 26, 2011

No, Blue Popsicles for You!

The BABE Rally organizers have asked for each teams Bluetooth information, so that they can try out a new system of keeping track of the cars as they pass check points and such.  I think its great what technology is capable of these days, but am still struggling with owning a cell phone.  (No you may not have the number, cause I'm just going to keep it in the car to avoid spontaneousness combustion.  i.e. I have no intention of actually carrying the phone.) I thought that Chris' response to the BABE Rally organizers was funny, so I felt compelled to share it. 

"We didn't even have a cell phone until a couple of weeks ago when I learned that it is apparently mandatory equipment for every life form, without which slow painful death on a deserted highway is certain. (This paraphrased from the speech my mother gave me after telling her about the BABE rally). I should not have pointed out that she drove 1000 miles, crossing a desert in an Opel GT with one kid in her lap and 2 kids on the shelf-like thing in the back and no cell phone. This only led to an argument about how times were different then, and what was safe back then is not so safe today.

Anyway, long way of saying, a prepaid Nokia 1661-2b apparently does not have Blue Teeth, sorry, as such, no Big Mac address."

I'm not inherently anti-cell phone.  I just struggle with peoples lack of presence with those around them due to cell phones. For example, we were at a holiday function where there were approximately 20 people we hadn't seen in 6-8 months.  At one point I looked around and 5 people were using their cell phones.  (One person had excused themselves from the room to take a call, but the others remained.)  When I attend such events or even if I'm just in the grocery store, I try to be present with those around me.  I want to greet the cashier and wish them a good day.  I want to greet neighbors as they walk down my street.  I want people to see my car when they are driving and me in turn to be paying attention to them when I am driving.  When I attend functions, even if I'm meeting with just one other person, I want to present with them. 
My policy is if you need my attention, call my home number and leave me a message if we don't answer.  I do return calls. And I try to do it when I will be able to be present with the person on the other end of the phone.   I value my time with people.  

Needless to say I don't have blue teeth.  ( I used crest white strips just yesterday.) 

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